
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Action Research Plan-Take 2

The Effects of AM Tutoring Action Research Plan
Goal: The goal of my action research study is to determine the effects of AM tutoring on struggling students’ academic growth.
Action Step (s)
Person(s) Responsible
Timeline:  Start/End
Needed Resources
Discuss with site supervisor possible options for my action research study.
Mary Dawn Murr (site supervisor) and myself
February 2013
Notepad and Pencil
Notes taken during my discussion with my site supervisor.
Discuss with and explain to the Kindergarten teachers and 3rd Grade Teachers my Action Research Study.
Kindergarten teachers, 3rd Grade teachers and Myself
March 2013 and September 2014
Notepad and Pencil
Notes taken during my discussion with the Kindergarten and 3rd Grade teachers.
Interview Kindergarten and 3rd Grade teachers who take part in AM tutoring on their opinions of AM tutoring.
Kindergarten teachers, 3rd Grade teachers and myself
March 2013 -May 2014
Tape Recorder, Notepad, and Pencil
Recording and notes taken from each interview. (Include interviews in PowerPoint)
Interview Kindergarten and 3rd Grade students who attend AM tutoring on their opinions of AM tutoring.
Kindergarten and 3rd Grade students and myself
March 2013-May 2014
Tape Recorder, Notepad, and Pencil
Recording and notes taken from each interview. (Include interviews in PowerPoint)
Interview Kindergarten and 3rd Grade parents who have children attending AM tutoring on their opinions of AM tutoring.
Kindergarten and 3rd Grade parents and myself
March 2013-May 2014
Tape Recorder, Notepad, and Pencil
Recording and notes taken from each interview. (Include interviews in PowerPoint)
Research the effects of AM tutoring on struggling students.
March 2013-June 2014
Internet, Library, and Scholar Journals
Research the positive and negative effects of AM tutoring on struggling students. Research effective techniques and ideas to use during AM tutoring.
Tutor struggling Kindergarten students in the areas of Language Arts and Math and 3rd Grade students in the area of Language Arts.
Currently: Kindergarten Teachers
Next Year (if I move grade levels): Third Grade Teachers
September 2012-June 2013
September 2013-June 2014
Tools used to tutor the struggling students
Document observations that show positive and/or negative results.
Collect data from the beginning, middle, and end of the year (report card grades and benchmark scores) for Kindergarten students attending AM tutoring.
Kindergarten teachers and myself
March 2013-June 2013
“Data Collecting” Excel sheet found on our staff drive,
Benchmark Scores, Report Cards grades, Kindergarten Teachers’ data, and Excel sheet
Analyze report card grades and benchmark scores from the beginning, middle, and end of the year and record information into my own Excel worksheet
Collect data from the beginning, middle, and end of the year (report card, benchmark, and CBA scores) for 3rd grade students attending AM tutoring.
3rd Grade teachers and Myself
September 2013-June 2014
“Data Collecting” Excel sheet found on our staff drive, Report Cards grades, Benchmark scores, CBA scores, 3rd Grade Teachers’ data and Excel sheet.
Analyze report card grades, benchmark scores, and CBA scores from the beginning, middle, and end of the year and record information into my own Excel worksheet.
Create a PowerPoint presentation with:
·      Data tables/ graphs showing the effects of AM tutoring on report card grades, Benchmark scores, and CBA scores from the beginning, middle, and end of the year for struggling students in Kindergarten and 3rd Grade
·      Teacher’s, student’s, and parent’s interviews
·      Research
March 2013- May 2014
Excel spreadsheet showing report card grades, Benchmark scores, and CBA scores from the beginning, middle and end of the year and PowerPoint
PowerPoint presentation on the effects AM tutoring has on struggling students’ academic growth.
Present findings to Kindergarten teachers and 3rd Grade teachers.
Kindergarten teachers, 3rd Grade teachers, and myself
May 2013 and May 2014
PowerPoint presentation
Share with the Kindergarten teachers and 3rd grade teachers my findings on the effects of AM tutoring.
Present findings to the Principal and the Assistant Principals and discuss any possible changes if needed.
Administrative Team and Myself
May 2014
PowerPoint presentation
Share with the administrative team my findings on the effects of AM tutoring.
If we find that the effects are negative, develop a new tool to help these struggling students succeed academically.
Present findings to the whole staff.
Staff and Myself
May 2014, after I present to the administrative team
PowerPoint presentation
Share with the whole staff my findings on the effects of AM tutoring and any changes that will be made if needed.
Implement a change if one was made or begin studying any further wonderings
Possibly Administration, Staff Members, Students, and Myself
August 2014
None at this time
None at this time

1 comment:

  1. The progressive sharing and presentation of ideas to staff is a great idea. I think you will get feedback from each group as you make your way towards presenting the findings to the entire staff. I will be borrowing that idea and revising my action plan as well. Good luck!
