
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Very Rough Draft of My Action Research Plan

The Effects of AM Tutoring Action Research Plan
Goal: The goal of my action research study is to determine the effects of AM tutoring on struggling students’ academic growth.
Action Step (s)
Person(s) Responsible
Timeline:  Start/End
Needed Resources
Discuss with site supervisor possible options for my action research study.
Mary Dawn Murr (site supervisor) and myself
February 2013
Notes taken during my discussion with my site supervisor.
Discuss with Kindergarten teachers and 3rd Grade Teachers my Action Research Study
Kindergarten teachers, 3rd Grade Teachers and Myself
March 2013 and September 2014
Notes taken during my discussion with the Kindergarten and 3rd Grade teachers.
Tutor struggling Kindergarten students in the areas of language arts and math and 3rd grade students in the area of language arts.
Currently: Kindergarten Teachers
Next Year (if I move grade levels): Third Grade Teachers
September 2012-June 2013
September 2013-June 2014
Tools used to tutor the struggling students

Research the effects of AM tutoring
March 2013-June 2014
Internet and Journals
Research the positive and negative effects of AM tutoring on struggling students. Research effective techniques and ideas to use during AM tutoring.
Collect data (report card grades and benchmark scores) for Kindergarten students attending AM tutoring from their Kindergarten teachers.
Kindergarten teachers and myself
March 2013-June 2013
“Data Collecting” Excel sheet found on our staff drive,
Benchmark Scores, Report Cards grades, Kindergarten Teachers’ data, and Excel sheet
Analyze report card grades and benchmark scores and gather in my own Excel worksheet
Collect date (report card, benchmark, and CBA scores) for 3rd grade students attending AM tutoring from their 3rd Grade teachers.
3rd Grade teachers and Myself
September 2013-June 2014
“Data Collecting” Excel sheet found on our staff drive, Report Cards grades, Benchmark scores, CBA scores, 3rd Grade Teachers’ data and Excel sheet.
Analyze report card grades, benchmark scores, and CBA scores and gather in my own Excel worksheet.
Create PowerPoint with data tables/ graphs showing the effects of AM tutoring on report card grades, Benchmark scores, and CBA scores of struggling students in Kindergarten and 3rd Grade.
March 2013- May 2014
Excel spreadsheet showing report card grades, Benchmark scores, and CBA scores and PowerPoint
Create a PowerPoint presentation on the effects AM tutoring has on struggling students’ academic growth.
Present findings to Kindergarten teachers and 3rd Grade teachers.
Kindergarten teachers, 3rd Grade teachers, and myself
June 2013 and June 2014
PowerPoint presentation
Show the Kindergarten teachers and 3rd grade teachers my findings on the effects of AM tutoring.
Present findings to Principal and Assistant Principals.
Administrative Team and Myself
June 2014
PowerPoint presentation
Show the administrative team my findings on the effects of AM tutoring. If we find that the effects are negative, develop a new tool to help these struggling students succeed academically.


  1. Jessica, I really like your plan. Starting kids early with good study habits and the value of tutoring is a great idea. My only thought is, are you going to have benchmark scores or some kind of data for the students you select from before they go through the tutoring? Best of luck with your project!

    1. Yes, Chad and thank you. I added to my plan that I will be collecting data from the beginning, middle, and end of the year.

  2. Nice research plans Jessica! Any resources available to help struggling students is great and especially while they're young, to grasp it early! I had a few questions; will you base your findings against those students that don't participate in AM tutoring or those that do after school tutoring or is it data collected from their previous performance and now AM tutoring?

    1. I will be comparing their scores from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. The reason for this is because some teachers and parents find AM tutoring to be a waste of time. So, I want to find out if it is or isn't a waste of time.

      Thank you for your comment!

  3. I had a really great reply all typed out and then... it was gone! Wonderful! Anyway, it boiled down to the same thing that the other two respondents said. I think that it is wonderful that someone cares enough to make sure that a morning tutoring time for these trusting little children is as positive and productive as it can be. My question is also about whether the study will collect data for these children before the tutoring takes place. I also wonder if it might be productive to collect data for students with similiar characteristics who do not participate in the morning tutoring. In this way a comparison can be made between students who participate in tutoring and those who do not. I look forward to seeing the details of your plan as they develop and I wish you luck in your research!

  4. Me, too, Tammy. I thought I commented a while ago...even remember my comments (miracle!), but it's gone. I really like the idea of evaluating the effectiveness of a program and tweaking it as needed. So many times we just keep doing what we're doing whether it works or not. Great topic! My only suggestion would be to share your findings/action plan with a broader audience than just K and 3rd grade teachers so everyone can benefit from the results of your project. Good luck!

  5. Great plan. I do agree a broader audience would be beneficial. You thought of great steps for the plan. Your data results will show you a lot. Good luck to you.

  6. Great job Jessica! I think you have a great idea for research here! When I was teaching, I wish I had taken the initiative to research something like this. We had so many kids that needed just a little extra one-on-one time, but with limited classroom time and expanding class sizes, it was incredibly difficult to give the students what they needed. I did a lot of on-my-own AM tutoring, but I didn't conduct any data collection or analysis to see if it was actually working. I did note that those struggling students did begin to have higher test grades and report card grades. We usually studied for tests and worked one-on-one with homework during these AM sessions. Like Elizabeth, I think a bigger audience for your presentation would be awesome, especially if your research yields positive results. Other teachers will want to know how this process worked for your students. I look forward to hearing about your research. Good luck!

  7. I like your plan. You seem to have everything covered. I know at the high school level we offer an optional advisory tutoring session. It does help some of our students who do take advantage of it. Unfortunately, those that really need it are the ones who choose not to come or don't use the time to their advantage. At the elementary level, I know that teachers are much more hands-on. I look forward to you sharing your results. Even though our advisory is optional, we started a new advisory schedule aimed to help those students "on the bubble" and needing extra help to prepare for the EOC tests. I am interested to see how our program affects those students who took advantage of it.

  8. I like it. My own kids, who are now in 2nd grade, attended after school tutoring. It was actually just a babysit deal, but inspeaking with the teachers they were able to get just a little more help from other teachers. The idea of an action research on AM for tutoring for kindergarten is great. You are sure to find some great data. My youngeat is in kinder right now, and I would definitely send her to AM tutoring if it existed at her school. I will follow your research and share your findings with the elemetary principals in our school district. Good luck!

  9. This is very interesting. I would like to know how your results turn out. I am a morning person, and I know everyone is not...I wonder if that has an effect on learning as well.

  10. I LOVE your topic. I too held AM tutoring sessions and did find it beneficial for all students who attended regularly. (Being on time helped as well.) Is there an after school tutoring program in your school as well? (I am not suggesting any extra work for you, but I would LOVE to see if AM tutoring is more effect than after school tutoring. Then again, it could depend on the kid. Some are "morning people", some are not.)
    Your findings can benefit so many. Your plan is well designed and thorough. Good luck! I believe it is a topic worthy of study.

  11. Jessica you have a great topic and your plan looks great. I think tutoring students at a young age is beneficial. If you can help a struggling student understand a concept than they will be successful.

  12. I like your topic for research and your action plan. The campus that I work at started morning tutoring for the younger students to help increase their I Station scores. This has been going on since Nov. and scores have increased. I look forward to following your research process.

  13. Jessica,
    I will never thought about your research action plan. I think it's a great plan. I can see how beneficial would be for some students to have this option at the beginning of the day. I look forward to your findings.

  14. I think AM tutoring could be beneficial, any additional interaction that a student can get should help. One thing to consider is this in addition to the regular day or isthe school going to allow kids to be pulled out of class. Trying to get some kids there for extra tutoring could be a problem. I think you will have great results from those students that take advantage of it.
