
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Professional Development Agenda

Professional Development Agenda
Action Plan Goal (same as in action plan): By 2016, Yeager Elementary will receive a “commended” rating in the area of Science and earn the rating of “Exemplary” as a campus.
Action Plan Objective (same as in action plan): 85% of the 5th grade LEP students will surpass or meet the state standards on the upcoming school year’s Science TAKS test.
Topic of professional development: Science
Subtopics (if applicable):
Grade Level:
3rd-5th Grade
Kathy Grahman (Science Instructional Specialist)
Yeager Elementary (Home Campus)
Start Time:
8:00 a.m.
3:30 p.m.
Strategy/ Activity
Estimated Time
Making Sense of SCIENCE Share-Time
Teach teachers “the new Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards.”
The teachers who attended the training over the summer will share with all the science teachers grades 3-5 what they learned at the “Making Sense of SCIENCE” training.
1.      Present to 3rd-5th grade science teachers what was learned at the “Matter” training.
2.     Teachers discuss and ask questions about the information they just learned on “Matter”.
3.      Present to 3rd-5th grade science teachers what was learned at the “Earth Systems” training.
4.     Teachers discuss and ask questions about the information they just learned on “Earth Systems”.
Lunch Break

Learning Communities about “Making Sense of SCIENCE”
Discuss “Making Sense of SCIENCE” and make plans for the upcoming school year using “Making Sense of SCIENCE.”
Teachers will discuss in grade level learning communities what they learned about “Making Sense of SCIENCE.”
Teachers will discuss ways they will integrate what they learned from “Making Sense of SCIENCE” into their plans for the upcoming school year.  
1.     The 3rd-5th grade science teachers will meet in learning communities based on grade level.
2.     The teachers will share what they learned about “Making Sense of SCIENCE.”
3.     The teachers will ask and answers any questions about “Making Sense of SCIENCE.”
4.     The teachers will discuss and plan how they will integrate “Making Sense of SCIENCE” into their curriculum and lesson plans in the upcoming school year.
5.     The teachers will schedule another learning community meeting for the next month.
Learning Communities about Formative Assessment
Discuss formative assessments and make plans on how to incorporate formative assessments in the upcoming school year.
The 3rd-5th grade science teachers will meet in a subject-based learning community and discuss formative assessments and ways they will integrate them into their classrooms in the upcoming school year.
1.     The 3rd-5th grade science teachers will meet in a learning community based on the subject they teach; science.
2.     The teachers will discuss what formative assessments are and answer any questions teachers may have about them.
3.     The teachers will share ideas of how they will integrate formative assessments into their personal classrooms in the upcoming school year.
4.     The teachers will set goals for how they will integrate formative assessments into their personal classrooms in the upcoming school year.
5.     The teachers will schedule another learning community meeting for the next month.


Campus Action Plan

Campus Action Plan
S.M.A.R.T. Goal (long range,3-5 years): By 2016, Yeager Elementary will receive a “commended” rating in the area of Science and earn the rating of “Exemplary” as a campus.
S.M.A.R.T. Objective (What we can accomplish in one school year): 85% of the 5th grade LEP students will surpass or meet the state standards on the upcoming school year’s Science TAKS test.
Target Population(s): All 5th Grade Students Especially 5th Grade LEP Students
Activity/ Strategy (Include 3)
Person(s) Responsible
Resources/Estimated Cost
Formative Evaluation
1. Develop classroom learning stations to provide tailored, differentiated instruction
Kathy Grahman (Math/Science Instructional Specialist) & 5th Grade Science Teachers
November, January - April
Teacher supplies & Science lab materials
Needed Materials-Title 1 Funds
Tuesday planning sessions.
Lesson plans including learning stations.
Walk-throughs to observe learning stations.
Improved nine-week grades and test scores for all students especially those students in danger of failing in science. 
2. Provide before-school tutoring and science camps to those students in danger of failing
Kathy Grahman (Math/Science Instructional Specialist), 5th Grade Science Teachers, & Any Science Teacher
September - April
Teacher supplies & Science lab materials
Before-school tutoring-Free
Science Camps- $1,125
5 teachers at $25/hour for 1 hour/day for 3 days and 3 times a year plus a total of $100 for snacks for all campus
Lesson plans for before-school tutoring and science camps.
Improved nine-week grades and test scores for all students especially those students in danger of failing in science.
3. Making Sense of SCIENCE (Professional Development Curriculum)
Susan Brenz (Principal) & Kathy Grahman (Math/Science Instructional Specialist)
Matter Training:
$1,200/person for groups of two or more
Earth Systems Training:
$1,200/person for groups of two or more
Tuesday planning sessions.
Lesson plans including strategies from the “Making Sense of SCIENCE” training.
Walk-throughs to observe science instruction.
Summative Evaluation: Use the “objective” as evaluation statement. (This allows you to determine if you achieved what you said you would achieve in one school year.)
Summative Evaluation statement: 85% of the 5th grade LEP students will surpass or meet the state standards on the upcoming school year’s Science TAKS test.